Minggu, 17 April 2016

Kalimat Pronoun

1. These televisions are all too expensive for we to buy at this time

  • Correction : These televisions are all too expensive for us to buy at this time

2. After she had bought himself a new automobile, she sold her bicycle

  • Correction :   After she had bought herself a new automobile, she sold her bicycle

3. We insist on you leaving the meeting before any further outbursts take place

  • Correction : We Insist on your leaving the meeting before any further outbursts take place

4. The only teacher who were required to attend the meeting were George, Betty, and me

  • Correction : The only teacher who were required to attend the meeting were George, Betty, and I

5. Last year we visited Kuta beach that is perhaps the best beach in Bali

  • Correction : Last year we visited Kuta beach which is perhaps the best beach in Bali

6. Him bought a Car last night

  • Correction : He bought a Car last night

7. I'm going to buy himself a new shirts

  • Correction : I'm going to buy myself a new shirts

8. The swimming instructor came seeing if the apartment was still available

  • Correction : The swimming instructor came to see if the apartment was still available

9. The adder is a venomous snake its bite may prove fatal to humans

  • Correction : The adder is a venomous snake whose bite may prove fatal to humans

10. Me would be very happy if you lent I a debit card

  • Correction : I would be very happy if you lent me a debit card